Thursday, February 24, 2011

THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games Series
Suzanne Collins
Book #1 -2008, Book #2- 2009, Book #3-2010

             For this series I'm going to do all three books at once. Why? Well, these books blend together so well that it's only fair to do them in one post. 
           In the words of Chad Rogers (who got me hooked), "Chad Rogers Far future when US no longer exists. US is now divided into 13 districts governed by a tyrannical capital. the hunger games are when a boy and a girl from each district are required to fight against each other to the death (but don't worry its not that graphic). without trying, the main character starts a rebellion... you'll have to read them to find out more!"  Here's what happens without giving away the story. The main character in the story is a girl named, Katniss Everdeen.  The "tyrannical capital" says that a boy and girl from each district must fight to the death. Why? Well, the capital wants to prove they are still in control! 
            How did I feel about these books? I loved them!  Why? Because I love books that are very tense and keeps you constantly reading. I read all three books in less than a week! Yes, they are that good. I also love to read about how someone overcomes a tyranny! 
         Why won't I tell all? Well, these books are that good that you just have to read them. They are full of sadness, happiness, anger, and love. I highly recommend these books!