Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Women by Kristin Hannah


    In this book you're transported into the world of the late 60s and early 70s when the Vietnam War is ever prevalent. Frances Grace McGrath is a nurse and a good one at that. As you follow her story through the depths of the war and her life after you learn both of the good, the bad, and the ugly she endured as a woman during that time. Reading this book opened my eyes even more to what women early on in military and during ward endured. It is important to remember all those who served including the women. This book even brought tears to my eyes as I thought of things my own Grandmother must have gone through during the World War II era. Yes, women did serve. They may not have been on the front lines of every single battle, but they were there mending people back together, and helping them stay alive (even if it meant just getting them home.) Below is a picture of my grandmother. I am certain her just like all the women who served in both the World Wars and Vietnam would want their memories to live on. 

Kathleen Ada Weckmueller (Mayhoffer) was my grandmother and she served as an army nurse during World War II. She was discharged in 1946. 

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