Thursday, January 13, 2011

Arthur Lost and Found, Arthur's Teacher Moves In, Arthur's Computer Disaster, Arthur Writes a Story, & Arthur's Underwear

Arthur Lost and Found
Marc Brown
Little, Brown and Company
                 Marc Brown was born on November 25, 1946. He is a writer of several American children's books. Many of them are about Arthur and his friends and the adventures they have. In every book (except Arthur's tooth) he hides the names of his two sons, Tolon and Tucker. He currently lives in Massachusetts.
                  This story is about how Arthur (an aardvark) and his friend Buster (a rabbit) get lost because they fall asleep on the bus that is supposed to take them to the pool, but they later talk to the bus driver and he is very understanding and gives them a ride back home. This book is good for ages 6-10. It helps teach a lesson of what children should do when they are lost. My favorite part is when Arthur and Buster tell the truth to the bus driver. It is important to help children know to not just talk to strangers unless they are able to help them in some way.

Arthur's Teacher Moves In
Marc Brown
Little, Brown and Company

                Details about Marc Brown above.
               Arthur's teacher, Mr. Ratburn, comes to stay at Arthur's house because snow made his roof collapse. Arthur's dad makes cake and because  Mr. Ratburn likes it all of Arthur's friends think that is why he got an A. Toward the end Mr. Ratburn says that all of the other student's parent have offered him a place to stay.
                My favorite part is when you first find out how much Mr. Ratburn likes cake- it shows that he is "human" too. I think this is good for ages 9-11. It shows to students that teachers aren't do different. I highly recommend it for helping students understand that concept.
Arthur's Computer Disaster
Marc Brown
Little, Brown and Company

                        Details about Marc Brown above.
                        This book is about how Arthur is told to not play on the Computer while his mom goes to work and he disobeys. Then it shuts off. He thinks he was wrecked it and ends up telling his mom and she fixes it and then she ends up playing the game.
                         I would recommend this book to young families to teach their children about why it is important to tell the truth. My favorite part is at the end when Arthur's mom ends up playing the game all night. This really helps children to learn about honesty and why it is important.

Arthur Writes a Story
Marc Brown
Little, Brown Company

                     Details given about Marc Brown above.
                     This story is about Arthur Reed writing a story for a class assignment. He decides to write about how he obtained Pal, his dog, but he starts off with telling tall tales. Mr. Ratburn tells him to tell the truth, and when he does he has the best story.
                     I really like this because it teaches that we must always tell the truth to others no matter how much we want to make our story grand, but when it all comes down to it our story is good just as it is. It teaches that honesty has the best possible story. My favorite part is when the class praises Arthur for his story. This is a good book for teaching why we should enjoy life and telling the truth.

Arthur's Underwear
Marc Brown
Little, Brown Company

                     Details about Marc Brown above.
                     Binky accidentally rips his pants in class. This causes Arthur to start having dreams about being in his underwear. He notices that the dreams just keep getting worse until one day he rips his pants, and it does embarrass him, but he no longer has the dreams. 
                      I really like this book because it shows how we shouldn't make fun of others. I would recommend it for helping children understand why picking on others and bullying each other is not nice. It is important to teach that instead of bullying we help each other.

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