Friday, January 14, 2011

Curious George Takes a Train, Curious George and the Dump Truck, Curious George and the Birthday Surprise, & Curious George Visits a Toy Store

Curious George Takes a Train
Margret & H.A. Ray
Houghton Mifflin Company

               Margret & H.A. Ray are married and love to write together. They have done loads of research for children's poetry. They have written all of the Curious George books and several other literature stories.
               Curious George is a very curious monkey who nearly always gets into mischief. In this book he is going on a trip with his master, but gets easily distracted and goes to mess with the number for the trains on the board. He gets in trouble with his master, but ends up also saving a young boys toy.
                 I like this book because it teaches how children are mischievous even though it's a monkey. My favorite part of this story is despite all he does his master still loves him. It's good for ages 10 and under. It shows how parents will always love their children no matter what they do. 

Curious George and the Dump Truck
Margret & H.A. Ray
Houghton Mifflin Company

                     For an update on the Authors see above.
                    In this story George is very curious about the truck next door, and ends up pulling a lever that gets him in trouble. However, he figures out to make fun out of it. 
                     I think this is good for all ages. It helps us to see the bigger picture of things. I would use it to show that we can always correct our mistakes.

Curious George and the Birthday Surprise
Margret & H.A. Ray
Houghton Mifflin Company

                            Please see information about Author's above.
                            This book is about George's birthday. He had no clue it was his birthday, but is excited  to see all of his friends. The when his master brings out the cake he is ecstatic to find out that it is his birthday.
                             I like this story because it proves how curious little kids are about when their birthday is. I would use it to teach about love for our friends and family. Good for ages 10 & under.

Curious George Visits a Toy Store
Margret & H.A. Ray
Houghton Mifflin Company

                        Information about Authors above.
                        In this story George befins to cause trouble by playing with things in the toy store. He thinks it is okay to give each child a toy. However, as always he is given love by his master.
                       I like this story because it too shows that we are all loved. I would recommend it for ages 10 & under. It helps to teach how we need to be kind to others.

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