Saturday, January 22, 2011


Donna King

                  Donna King is the alter ego of Jenny Oldfield. She has written many children's fiction books that are popular world wide.
                 Kick-off is about a girl from Tampa Bay, Florida who moves to England with her family-- they moved because her dad is in the military and was transferred there. Tyra loved to play soccer, and when she went to this new school some didn't think she could play, but soon she became the star of her team and they played on the field for Manchester United. I really like Tyra because even though others irritated her she never truly lost her head, and kept on working to achieve her dream.
            I really enjoyed reading this book because I think it shows how we should truly treat others. I think this is a good book for ages 11--14 because it helps teach the idea of how we should truly be kind to one another.

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