Thursday, January 13, 2011

What this blog will entail

I will try and post all the books I have read on this blog, and my review of them. I'll also try to post a picture of each book. This may take a while seeing as how I have lots of books that I have read within the past year, but hopefully I can do it since I already have a binder with reviews of books from college! Until then... please be patient!

This blog will hopefully be an insight for parents, teachers, and all others who are interested in books for any age. I will post books good for kids, teens, and young adults. I am of the mind that we are never to old to read a kids book. Sometimes all we need to grow, learn, and discover is jump into a book. Also, I'll try to post something about each author in case you'd like to research that author.

Occasionally I'll also try to help with the barrier I've found that occurs between parents and teachers. I'll try and talk about certain words or "teacher jargon" and what they mean. If you ever have something that your child's teacher says to you and you'd like to know what it means... please feel free to comment or send an email, and I will try to answer. Even if I may not know the word I will look and up and try to respond as best as I can! Please know, it's all for the reading!

Please remember this is what I think of these books, and please do not steal my ideas or use them for your benefit. That is called plagiarism and one can be arrested because of that. Please however, leave you're thoughts and I will get back to you as soon as I can! Thank you.

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