Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

Fablehaven; Fablehaven Rise of The Evening Star; Fablehaven Grip of the Shadow Plague; Fablehaven Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary; Fablehaven Keys to the Demon Prison

   It took me a little while to read these books, but I must attest that they are extraordinary and after reading them you will never look at any living creature in the same light again. It broadens your imagination even more than I thought possible. In the first book you are introduced to Kendra and her brother, Seth. They end up going to their grandparents for the summer and are encountered with a magical world that they didn't know to be there. Each book they encounter new challenges that require them to become braver, and that they never knew they would encounter. 

These books are good for any age, and like Harry Potter can take you to a new and magical world.

I was introduced to these books by a good friend of mine and I am so glad he kept me reading them because they were magnificent and did not disappoint! Now, enjoy some pictures I found on the net that may give some insight to some magical creatures.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Harry Potter series

Normally I would put all the information underneath the books, but these books are so popular that I feel like I don't have to. However, this post will be more about what I think of these books.

Besides reading the scriptures I really got hooked on these books and it got me reading more. I used to hate to read and would get often discouraged. These books helped me to learn new words and really jump into another world. These books (if you haven't read them) are about a boy named Harry Potter that finds out he is a wizard that survived a killing curse when he was a baby. Throughout the books it is basically a battle between Harry (the young boy) and Voldemort (the one who tried to kill him). Harry goes to school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy and each year faces new challenges while learning how to become a great wizard. 

These books really help kids to see the difference between good vs. evil and how to overcome such evil. 

Note: I am sorry I have not said more about these books, but I don't want to give any of the stories away. Because I feel they are all a must read!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Help

The Help
Kathryn Stockett

  Taking place in Jackson, Mississippi in the early 60s this book is about the many black women that helped the whites and barely got paid, sometimes got beaten, but also met some of the most wonderful people. It is told from the perspective of three different women. Two black, Aibleen and Minny. One white, Skeeter. It is simply a remarkable story about how hard times were between the two groups back then. 

For more information:
There is also a movie coming out for the trailer go here:


Valerie Hobbs

  Jack is a young Border Collie who gets taken away from his home and heads on a journey of his life trying to get back to his home and find a place where he can do what he was born to do. Herd the sheep. 
  This book is remarkable! I read it in just a couple of hours. It is told by the dog, and it just grabs you in and helps you think of how important man's best friend can be. All ages should read this book!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games Series
Suzanne Collins
Book #1 -2008, Book #2- 2009, Book #3-2010

             For this series I'm going to do all three books at once. Why? Well, these books blend together so well that it's only fair to do them in one post. 
           In the words of Chad Rogers (who got me hooked), "Chad Rogers Far future when US no longer exists. US is now divided into 13 districts governed by a tyrannical capital. the hunger games are when a boy and a girl from each district are required to fight against each other to the death (but don't worry its not that graphic). without trying, the main character starts a rebellion... you'll have to read them to find out more!"  Here's what happens without giving away the story. The main character in the story is a girl named, Katniss Everdeen.  The "tyrannical capital" says that a boy and girl from each district must fight to the death. Why? Well, the capital wants to prove they are still in control! 
            How did I feel about these books? I loved them!  Why? Because I love books that are very tense and keeps you constantly reading. I read all three books in less than a week! Yes, they are that good. I also love to read about how someone overcomes a tyranny! 
         Why won't I tell all? Well, these books are that good that you just have to read them. They are full of sadness, happiness, anger, and love. I highly recommend these books!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Because of Winn Dixie

Because of Winn Dixie
Kate Dicamillo
Candlewick Press

                    Kate Dicamillo was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has written several books for children. These include: Great Joy, as series of Mercy Watson, The Miraculous Journey, of Edward Tulane, The Tale of Despereaux, and The Tiger Rising.
                This book is about a little girl named, India Opal, who finds a dog in a grocery store. She gives him the name Winn-Dixie, after the grocery store. Throughout the book Winn-Dixie does things so India Opal makes more friends. You find out in the story that Winn-Dixie is afraid of thunderstorms and near the end he disappears. While India Opal and her father, the preacher, go to look for him the others (who are at this party India Opal planned) find him hiding under the bed.
             I really enjoyed this book because for me it gave an even greater meaning to the word "friend." I think at times we forget how someone can help us meet new people. I believe this is a very good book to help children to understand how wonderful friends are. This book is perfect for ages 10-12. I think it brings meaning and life to a friendship and this age group need that in my opinion. With this you could teach children that having an animal as a friend is okay.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Outsiders

The Outsiders
S.E. Hinton
Penguin Group

                     S.E. Hinton was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. When she first started writing she wasn't satisfied with the literature that was being written for children, and thus decided to write The Outsiders which helped her to become a famous author. It is said that she is the voice for youth of the modern day.
                     The Outsiders is about two special class groups known as the "greasers" and the "socs." Ponyboy is the main character in this story-- he tells about his whole life as a "greaser." About the middle of the book Johnnycake and Ponyboy get into some trouble with the "socs"-- Johnnycake ends up killing one of them by accident. They go into hiding in an old church in a little town called WinnDrixville. The church catches on fire while there are young kids inside. Johnny and Ponyboy go to save them and get wounded in all the mess. Towards the end Ponyboy begins to fail classes because of all the events that happened (with Johnny & Dally's deaths). Ponyboy's English teacher asks him to write a themed paper and then you notice at the end of the book his paper is the whole book.
                 One of my favorite things in this book is the poem that Ponyboy recites by Robert Frost.
"Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
He early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
The leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down today.
Nothing gold can stay."
              I would highly recommend this book to anyone who may have trouble finding their "identity." This book is very good for 8th and 9th grades. It helps them to find out who they truly are.  This book really helps that it's not about who your friends are, but rather what your own heart makes of you. Again, thank to Mrs. Matthews for being the first to introduce me to this book.


Donna King

                  Donna King is the alter ego of Jenny Oldfield. She has written many children's fiction books that are popular world wide.
                 Kick-off is about a girl from Tampa Bay, Florida who moves to England with her family-- they moved because her dad is in the military and was transferred there. Tyra loved to play soccer, and when she went to this new school some didn't think she could play, but soon she became the star of her team and they played on the field for Manchester United. I really like Tyra because even though others irritated her she never truly lost her head, and kept on working to achieve her dream.
            I really enjoyed reading this book because I think it shows how we should truly treat others. I think this is a good book for ages 11--14 because it helps teach the idea of how we should truly be kind to one another.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pieces of Paris

Pieces of Paris
G.G. Vandagriff
Shadow Mountain

               G.G. Vandgriff has written several books, but this is the first on I have read... to see what she says about herself please go to

                What can I possibly say about this book? What attracted me to it? Well, the cover for starters... I have a dream to one day travel to Paris, but I also really enjoy Music! So, the cover just brought me in. While reading the book I found myself not only drawn to learn more, but definitely attached to what would happen in the end! This story is mostly about a woman who suffers from PTSD, and how she overcomes her past with the help of her husband and renewing her relationship with God. For me this story helped me realize that no matter what is in your past you can always overcome it and start anew. PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is more than just a real thing... it can truly control one's life if they let it. See, the trials that a family is called upon to face in a world that seemed like it could be peaceful. Find out what happens as a young woman, Annalisse, learns from the past to improve her marriage. And Finally, see how her husband, Dennis, figures out not only how to help his family, but save his job. 
                 I absolutely enjoyed this book! It kept me to the end! And I definitely recommend for anyone either suffering from their past or trying to find a way to cope with a death. I know PTSD and many other disorders are real, but there is nothing that hits God's children that they cannot handle with His help! He will help us get through all things!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

About me and why I decided to make this blog

                 My name is Frances Baron. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and absolutely love the church and the joy it brings to me. When I was young and in the first grade I was slowly learning to read... however, my entire class got crippled in many ways when we went to second grade. They moved us from phonics to a whole reading language without doing a proper transfer. Since then things have improved drastically! I am no longer inhibited by those old reading habits. What happened? Well, my parents took an interest and so did I. I read the Book of Mormon with my parents and my reading slowly began to improve. In school I read books because I had to, but I never really discovered the joy in reading until jr. high, but it still wasn't enough. When I finally got to college I discovered how much the books I read could take me to another world and away from many of the problems of this world. It would put me seeing life through another's eyes and I truly began to love it! I then discovered how much I wanted to help young children and many others find the joy in reading that I began to discover at an older age! I'm grateful to my sister's especially for helping me discover why books are so important! Also, to my mother's family... they are ones that never throw a book away! It's amazing to me how many copies of a book there were in their house. So, after all the thinking... I decided to make a blog about my view on books! I've read so many and have many more to read in my life! I hope the reviews I post will interest others in these books too! In conclusion, books are amazing to me and I hope all will find the joy that I have come to find in them too!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Phonological (phonemic) Awareness

            Yesterday I mentioned a couple words in one of my reviews. That word was Phonemic Awareness. Today I would like to talk about what Phonemic Awareness is and post a few activities one can do to help a child who is having difficulty with it.
            Phonemic Awareness is how we understand certain sounds, words, or what a child hears. Wikipedia states, "Phonemic awareness is a subset of phonological awareness in which listeners are able to hear, identify and manipulate phonemes, the smallest units of sound that can differentiate meaning. Separating the spoken word "cat" into three distinct phonemes, /k//æ/, and /t/, requires phonemic awareness." In my literacy 1 class in college we had to separate words into their individual phonemes. Breaking down a word can help a child to improve their phonemic awareness. Phonics, in my opinion, is a great way to help children with phonemic awareness. this allows children to see that a C can make the sound /k/ or /s/. Or what are the differences between a long and short vowel. Or what a schwa is, "An unstressed and toneless neutral vowel sound in some languages, often but not necessarily a mid-central vowel. Such vowels are often transcribed with the symbol <ə>, regardless of their actual phonetic value."

The following are just a few sites for Phonemic Awareness activities and information:

If you have any questions about Phonemic Awareness please don't be afraid to ask and I will try to answer to the best of my ability. Thank you.


Louis Sachar
Yearling an imprint of Random House Children's

                      Louis Sachar has written over 21 fictional and educational books for children including: Small Steps, Sideways Stories from Wayside School, There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom, and many others. He was born in New York in March of 1954. When he was 9 he moved to California and has lived there ever since. Many of his books have been inspired from experiences he has had.
                    This book is about a young boy named Stanley Yelnats IV, and his unfortunate luck. Stanley is accused of stealing Clyde Sweetfeet shoes, and is sent to Camp Green Lake as punishment. While at Camp Green Lake he digs holes to build character, but truthfully they are digging holes to find treasure. Towards the end of the book Stanley's luck turns around because he does what his great-great-grandfather, Elya Yelnats, did not.
                     I really enjoyed reading this book. I especially like the song, "If only, if only, the woodpecker sighs, the bark on the trees was as soft as the skies, while the wolf waits below hungry and lonely he cries to the moon, if only, if only." I this book could be used in the 8th grade... one could use it to talk about self-worth, or why we act in certain ways, and why some things weren't acceptable at certain dates in history. I give great thanks to my 8th grade English teacher Mrs. Tara Matthews for being the first to introduce me to this book and having us read it in her class. When I was a sophomore in high school a movie came out about the book. Surprisingly the book and movie go along with each other very well, but please... read the book before watching the movie! 

Curious George Takes a Train, Curious George and the Dump Truck, Curious George and the Birthday Surprise, & Curious George Visits a Toy Store

Curious George Takes a Train
Margret & H.A. Ray
Houghton Mifflin Company

               Margret & H.A. Ray are married and love to write together. They have done loads of research for children's poetry. They have written all of the Curious George books and several other literature stories.
               Curious George is a very curious monkey who nearly always gets into mischief. In this book he is going on a trip with his master, but gets easily distracted and goes to mess with the number for the trains on the board. He gets in trouble with his master, but ends up also saving a young boys toy.
                 I like this book because it teaches how children are mischievous even though it's a monkey. My favorite part of this story is despite all he does his master still loves him. It's good for ages 10 and under. It shows how parents will always love their children no matter what they do. 

Curious George and the Dump Truck
Margret & H.A. Ray
Houghton Mifflin Company

                     For an update on the Authors see above.
                    In this story George is very curious about the truck next door, and ends up pulling a lever that gets him in trouble. However, he figures out to make fun out of it. 
                     I think this is good for all ages. It helps us to see the bigger picture of things. I would use it to show that we can always correct our mistakes.

Curious George and the Birthday Surprise
Margret & H.A. Ray
Houghton Mifflin Company

                            Please see information about Author's above.
                            This book is about George's birthday. He had no clue it was his birthday, but is excited  to see all of his friends. The when his master brings out the cake he is ecstatic to find out that it is his birthday.
                             I like this story because it proves how curious little kids are about when their birthday is. I would use it to teach about love for our friends and family. Good for ages 10 & under.

Curious George Visits a Toy Store
Margret & H.A. Ray
Houghton Mifflin Company

                        Information about Authors above.
                        In this story George befins to cause trouble by playing with things in the toy store. He thinks it is okay to give each child a toy. However, as always he is given love by his master.
                       I like this story because it too shows that we are all loved. I would recommend it for ages 10 & under. It helps to teach how we need to be kind to others.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Recovering Charles

Recovering Charles
Jason F. Wright
Deseret Book & Shadow Mountain Publishing

                       Jason F. Wright was born 1 February 1971in Florissant, Missouri. He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and currently lives in Woodstock, Virginia. Other Books of his include:  Seventeen Second Miracle, The Cross Gardener, Christmas Jars Reunion, Penny's Christmas Jar Miracle, The Wednesday Letters, Christmas Jars, & The James Miracle. He is a New York Times best selling Author. He also co-wrote The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck.
                        Recovering Charles is about a young man named, Luke Millward, who travels to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to recover his father, Charles Millward. He goes through the challenge of rediscovering who the man is father became and how his father badly wanted what was best for him. It is told by Luke and what it was like for him as a child and how he and his father grew distant. It truly is a story of healing and how we all come to find the things that matter most in our lives. 
                       For me this is a story that truly hits home. I am originally from Louisiana and although I wasn't directly affected by Hurricane Katrina it did affect me in some way. Hurricane Katrian made land fall when I was attending my first day of college at BYU-Idaho. I remember going to class and having people ask me where I was from and the second I said Louisiana I was bombarded with questions that I was unsure how to answer. Living in the dorms I didn't know what was going on, or how anyone was doing. My parents were in Colorado at my sister's. The only member of my family near by was my eldest brother and he was able to get the generator from the house and take care of things down in Louisiana. Truth is, we later found out that our house only had 6 trees down in the front yard, which isn't saying much cause we had a forest before. The worst thing that happened to us was that the van that my brother just older than me now drives had all the windows on the drivers side smashed in due to the hurricane force winds. The van was parked at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. We were very fortunate to not have much damage though. However, in December of 2005 I flew into New Orleans and had forgotten all the details about the tarps on all the roofs and had the thought when landing, "what's with the blue roofs?" I later realized when on the ground that they were tarps. My father took us around to see some of the damage. We got to plaquemines parish where there was a carton from a barge that came from the other side of the levee near a place with elks. Shortly after this my father told us that we'd have to turn around because only government vehicles and residents were allowed in after that. Very scary to think about what all happened. I have since seen a documentary about it and read this book. The Documentary which I would also recommend is called Hurricane On the Bayou. It is about a young girl doing a school project about the importance of saving the wetlands. It soon turns into a documentary on an enormous hurricane. 

               The end of Recovering Charles it mentions a song. It is a very remarkable song called "Love Me If You Can". Please go to to listen to the song and read more about this remarkable book.

A Bug's Life: The Show Must Go On

A Bug's Life: The Show Must Go On
Disney Enterprises Inc/ Pixar Animation Studios

                      This story is a follow up to the Movie A Bug's Life, but instead of standing up to someone they are honoring the Circus Bugs that helped them before. The bugs come back to the ant hill for a visit after a long time on tour and Flick & Dot decide they are going to treat them to A Variety Show, but nothing goes as planned. The Circus Bugs help them out and everyone is happily reminded of the old times.
                     I would recommend this book for anyone who may be curious as to what happens after the movie. I think it is good for younger ages. I would use this to teach a lesson about how in friendships we should always be there for one another. And the importance of friendships.

Arthur Lost and Found, Arthur's Teacher Moves In, Arthur's Computer Disaster, Arthur Writes a Story, & Arthur's Underwear

Arthur Lost and Found
Marc Brown
Little, Brown and Company
                 Marc Brown was born on November 25, 1946. He is a writer of several American children's books. Many of them are about Arthur and his friends and the adventures they have. In every book (except Arthur's tooth) he hides the names of his two sons, Tolon and Tucker. He currently lives in Massachusetts.
                  This story is about how Arthur (an aardvark) and his friend Buster (a rabbit) get lost because they fall asleep on the bus that is supposed to take them to the pool, but they later talk to the bus driver and he is very understanding and gives them a ride back home. This book is good for ages 6-10. It helps teach a lesson of what children should do when they are lost. My favorite part is when Arthur and Buster tell the truth to the bus driver. It is important to help children know to not just talk to strangers unless they are able to help them in some way.

Arthur's Teacher Moves In
Marc Brown
Little, Brown and Company

                Details about Marc Brown above.
               Arthur's teacher, Mr. Ratburn, comes to stay at Arthur's house because snow made his roof collapse. Arthur's dad makes cake and because  Mr. Ratburn likes it all of Arthur's friends think that is why he got an A. Toward the end Mr. Ratburn says that all of the other student's parent have offered him a place to stay.
                My favorite part is when you first find out how much Mr. Ratburn likes cake- it shows that he is "human" too. I think this is good for ages 9-11. It shows to students that teachers aren't do different. I highly recommend it for helping students understand that concept.
Arthur's Computer Disaster
Marc Brown
Little, Brown and Company

                        Details about Marc Brown above.
                        This book is about how Arthur is told to not play on the Computer while his mom goes to work and he disobeys. Then it shuts off. He thinks he was wrecked it and ends up telling his mom and she fixes it and then she ends up playing the game.
                         I would recommend this book to young families to teach their children about why it is important to tell the truth. My favorite part is at the end when Arthur's mom ends up playing the game all night. This really helps children to learn about honesty and why it is important.

Arthur Writes a Story
Marc Brown
Little, Brown Company

                     Details given about Marc Brown above.
                     This story is about Arthur Reed writing a story for a class assignment. He decides to write about how he obtained Pal, his dog, but he starts off with telling tall tales. Mr. Ratburn tells him to tell the truth, and when he does he has the best story.
                     I really like this because it teaches that we must always tell the truth to others no matter how much we want to make our story grand, but when it all comes down to it our story is good just as it is. It teaches that honesty has the best possible story. My favorite part is when the class praises Arthur for his story. This is a good book for teaching why we should enjoy life and telling the truth.

Arthur's Underwear
Marc Brown
Little, Brown Company

                     Details about Marc Brown above.
                     Binky accidentally rips his pants in class. This causes Arthur to start having dreams about being in his underwear. He notices that the dreams just keep getting worse until one day he rips his pants, and it does embarrass him, but he no longer has the dreams. 
                      I really like this book because it shows how we shouldn't make fun of others. I would recommend it for helping children understand why picking on others and bullying each other is not nice. It is important to teach that instead of bullying we help each other.

Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak
Harper Collins Publishers

                Maurice Sendak was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1928. When he first wrote this book many parents were concerned about how it would scare their children. However, soon it became a very well known book that all children love to read.
                This book is about a young boy with a very wild imagination. It begins with Max making a raucous around the house and his mother sends him to his room and calls him "Wild Thing." He has this amazing imagination that takes him to where the wild things are and they say is the wildest of them all, but soon he misses home and smell the dinner his mother cooked. He returns home to find his supper waiting for him, and still hot.
              I enjoy the "Wild Things" in this book and the detailed images. I would recommend this book to help parents and teachers teach children about imagination. This is a good book for younger ages, a huge classic. I would use this book to talk about what things we wish to become and how we can become those things. Also, it may help children to learn to explore their imaginations!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar & From Head to Toe

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Eric Carle
Philomel Books

                   Eric Carle has written and illustrated several children's books. One that we all know is Brown Bear, Brown Bear. He was born in New York in 1929, and moved to Germany when he was six years old. He came back to the United States in 1952 with a graphic design portfolio and fifty dollars. He worked for The New York Times. Soon he began writing books with Bill Martin.
                  This book goes through the stages of being a caterpillar and how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. This book is good for the very young. I like how at the end the caterpillar does become a butterfly. One way to use this book is to teach a child about how a child becomes a moth or a butterfly, and the difference between the two. Look at the different stages of life for a caterpillar like the larvae and cocoon. It's very important for children to understand and discover the world around them.

From Head to Toe
Eric Carle
Harper Collins Publishers

                  About the author located above.
                  This book describes each of the body parts from head to toe. It can help a child who is beginning to learn each body part and why it is important. One of my favorite lines from the book is after each thing the animal asks if you can do it too? I think this is a good book for younger children. You could use to teach the children about a certain body part and how we are each animals, and have some of the same body parts that they animals around us have.

Numbers, Colors, & Shapes

Thomas Kinkade
Publisher: Thomas Nelson

                        Thomas Kinkade is a famous artist who decided to write a few Children's books. (I think to help his own children) and in his art he always puts a N in honor of his wife, Nanette. He has also written, shapes & colors (featured below).
                   In this book it goes through numbers 1-10 and shows something with each number. I think I would teach this book by helping each child learn about numbers. I would recommend this for a child just learning how to count, and teach him/her a concept to go with each. I think it helps a child to understand numbers a bit better and why they are the way they are.

Thomas Kinkade
Publisher: Thomas Nelson

                 About the author featured above.
                This book helps children to associate each color with something they see in the outside world. It also talks about the different seasons and the colors associated with them. I think this is a good book for younger ages 5 & under. I might use this book to ask Children to find objects that are the colors. It would be helpful when the child is first learning colors.

Thomas Kinkade
Publisher: Thomas Nelson

                  About the author featured above.
                  This book shows all the different shapes and associates them with outside/ around the house things. This would help children to identify shapes around the town too. For example: a stop sign being an octagon. I think this book is also good for younger ages. It will help a child to learn shapes before attending school.

This Old Man

This Old Man
Child's Play Pulishers

                Again, we all know the song so why not have a book to go with it!?! This book goes through numbers with the song and shows different types of math problems as it goes through them. Each time there is a new number introduced there is a new math problem. It teaches addition for the younger kids in a very fun and engaging way. 
             I would use this book for Pre-K to K. It can help when learning addition and what it takes to get to higher numbers. I would recommend this book to any teacher or parent who is trying to learn a simple way to teach his.her child(ren) about addition. Very fun and very interactive!

Old Macdonald Had a Farm

Old Macdonald Had a Farm
Child's Play (International) TD

                This book goes through every animal on the farm (we all know the classic song). It helps to teach children about animals, and what each animal says. It is a very good book to help children understand how to remember what animals are on the farm. I would recommend this book for ages 6 & under. I would use it in a classroom or at home to teach children the concept of onomatopoeia and how to say certain words. This book can definitely help children associate words and sounds (phonemic awareness).

Diary of a Worm

Dairy of a Worm
Doreen Cronin
Harper Collins Publishers

                 About the author is located at

                 This book is about a young worm who write in his diary every day. He writes about what he does and the exciting and different world. He enjoys saying what it's like to be a worm, even though it's not easy. He tries to tell the events of what he does every day.
                I would recommend this book for Pre-K to 2nd grade when teachers and parents are trying to help children learn about the importance of keeping a diary or journal. My favorite entry is "I forgot my lunch today. I got so hungry that I ate my homework. My teacher made me write, 'I will not eat my homework' ten times. When I was finished, I ate that, too." This book will help children learn that it doesn't matter what you write about and helps them learn that it is important to keep a journal or diary so others may see into your life and what things are like for you.

Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type & Dooby Dooby Moo

Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type
Doreen Cronin
Scholastic books

             Doreen Cronin was born and raised in New York. She decided to go into publishing, and then wrote Click, Clack, Moo. Eventually she went into law school and this book was published. She has also written several other children's books such as, Dooby Dooby Moo (seen below), Diary of a Worm (in later post), Diary of a Spider, and Diary of a Fly.

           Cows that type is about some clever cows who get a hold of a typewriter and they type about how they are cold and want electric blankets, and the barn is closed, no milk. They also type that the hens want electric blankets too-no milk - no eggs. They make a compromise with Farmer Brown. Electric blankets for the typewriter, the ducks then take the typewriter and write that the pond is boring and they want a diving board. For more details read the book!
           I think this book is a really good book for children to show that truthfully animals can't type, but it's fun to imagine. It would be good for about Kindergarten or younger age group. The best way to use this book is to teach students about myths or how to use imagination.

Dooby Dooby Moo
Doreen Cronin
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division

                In this book Farmer Brown is convinced that his animals are up to something, but he can't quite say what it is that the cows, sheep, and ducks are up to. They all perform in the talent show at the county fair, and with ducks talent she wins them a trampoline. This farm is definitely not like other farms you're used to.
               I would recommend this book for ages 5 and under. I would help teach a lesson in saying that this kind of thing isn't real, but it's fun to imagine. Wouldn't it be interesting if the world was reversed? Just like in Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type this book is full of adventure and fun on Farmer Brown's farm!

Messenger, Messenger (a child's book)

Messenger, Messenger
Robert Burleigh
Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Simon & Schusher

What this blog will entail

I will try and post all the books I have read on this blog, and my review of them. I'll also try to post a picture of each book. This may take a while seeing as how I have lots of books that I have read within the past year, but hopefully I can do it since I already have a binder with reviews of books from college! Until then... please be patient!

This blog will hopefully be an insight for parents, teachers, and all others who are interested in books for any age. I will post books good for kids, teens, and young adults. I am of the mind that we are never to old to read a kids book. Sometimes all we need to grow, learn, and discover is jump into a book. Also, I'll try to post something about each author in case you'd like to research that author.

Occasionally I'll also try to help with the barrier I've found that occurs between parents and teachers. I'll try and talk about certain words or "teacher jargon" and what they mean. If you ever have something that your child's teacher says to you and you'd like to know what it means... please feel free to comment or send an email, and I will try to answer. Even if I may not know the word I will look and up and try to respond as best as I can! Please know, it's all for the reading!

Please remember this is what I think of these books, and please do not steal my ideas or use them for your benefit. That is called plagiarism and one can be arrested because of that. Please however, leave you're thoughts and I will get back to you as soon as I can! Thank you.